Effective communication is cause, not effect
it is always based on a strategy

Your organization requires support for press office function or needs support to manage additional tasks in communications? As a former Director of Communications and experienced Executive Consultant I am supporting companies in their reputation and public relations efforts.

Sometimes companies are facing the risk of an unclear or even declining reputation. The tricky thing is that most of the time organizations will only see the symptoms, such as having trouble to get the message across or young potentials always seem to prefer competitors, etc.. Of course, the need for additional communication efforts is much more obvious when it comes to challenging situations and fundamental transformation phases.

I am here to support you, as I have successfully practiced before with the German Exchange Group Deutsche Börse or the government owned Real Estate Company Vivico.

For over 20 years, I successfully managed communications in challenging and demanding situations. My main objective is to have your communicative tasks solved.

Do you consider reputation as an important value?

Do you intend to maintain and expand it?


Whether it is the introduction to the German market, the inspiring keynote speech, crisis communications, succession planning, corporate identity process, change process or the traditional tasks of a press officers: I am driven to deliver excellent results and above all solution-oriented communication.

You will not only benefit from my substantial experience in Public Relations but also take advantage from instruments that have proven to work efficiently for many companies, products as well as Executives.

As a long-time Group Head of Corporate Communications, Willi Brandt transformed the Frankfurt Stock Exchange into today’s Deutsche Börse Group. Later he took over the commercial division of a B2B publishing company in New York for several years. Back in Germany, he structured and managed a new Corporate Communications unit for Vivico Real Estate, implementing all major communication tools. He steered the communication process in the privatization of the government-owned Vivico. New investor CA Immo asked him to stay as Group Head Corporate Communications, where he implemented communication strategies especially for city district developments. Today he advises Executives, mid-sized companies as well as larger corporations and NGOs in their reputation efforts and Public Relations.